Broken Access Control: What Is It? Preventive measures and Examples

One security measure that limits access to resources, systems, and sensitive data is access control. Sensitive information and actions are only accessible to authorized users; unauthorized users are prohibited. 

It is essential to manage access to sensitive data, such as financial information, intellectual property, and personally identifiable information (PII).

However, there are a number of reasons why access control might not work, including inadequate testing, incorrectly configured policies, and a lack of input validation. Unauthorized access, data breaches, data loss, and other security issues could happen when access control is broken.

For businesses of all sizes and sectors, access control failure is a major issue. It emphasizes how important it is to have an effective access control system that is regularly reviewed, tested, and updated to get rid of any vulnerabilities that a hacker might take advantage of.

This article describes broken access control, examines its impacts, and offers numerous illustrations. We’ll also discuss how to keep access control in working order and keep it that way.

Broken Access Control: What Is It?

Users may be able to access features or resources that they shouldn’t be able to in web programs with faulty access control. Errors in the permission and authentication procedures as well as flaws in the design or implementation of access control techniques may be the source of this.

Terms like session management, authentication, and access control are frequently used synonymously. These three concepts each serve a different purpose in online application security, despite their similarities.

By employing multifactor authentication or biometric verification, authentication goes beyond the conventional use of a username and password to validate a user’s identity. 

Authentication verifies users are who they say they are in addition to blocking unauthorized access to online resources and programs’ functionality.

Conversely, session management pertains to the administration of user sessions within an online program. To keep users logged in and able to use the program, session tokens must be generated and maintained by the application. Session management works to prevent attacks that take use of session vulnerabilities, such hijacking, in an effort to safeguard user sessions.

Before the program is launched, appropriate access control methods that enforce access control regulations—such as passwords and biometrics—must be installed and carefully inspected. This will prevent the failure of access control. 

This entails carrying out regular security audits to find and fix any possible vulnerabilities, validating user privileges, and putting access control policies into proper implementation.

Examples of Insufficient Access Control

  1. Free access to URLs
  2. Insufficient authorization verification
  3. Direct object reference insecurely (IDOR)
  4. Controlling access both vertically and horizontally
  5. Ineffective session management

Typical Reasons for Access Control Not Working

A multitude of variables can lead to flawed access control in online applications. Among the most typical causes are the following ones:

  • Insufficient authorization verification
  • Unsafe direct object references
  • inadequate verification
  • Access control setup incorrectly

Finally, access control must be addressed to prevent major repercussions for online applications. Developers and security experts must recognize and steer clear of common causes of access control failure. These precautions consist of comprehensive testing, safe coding techniques, and frequent security audits.

Repercussions of Inadequate Access Control

Because they may lead to unauthorized actions and the disclosure, alteration, or removal of private information, access control failures can have a significant impact on online applications. Among the potential repercussions of insufficient access control are the following:

  • Unauthorized data disclosure
  • Data modification or deletion
  • Unauthorized functionality execution
  • Regulatory compliance violation

How to Avoid Problems with Access Control

Access control based on roles (RBAC)

Role-based access control (RBAC) assigns roles to people according to their job duties. Specific permissions assigned to each position restrict the data and functions that can be accessed by that position. RBAC ensures that users are only granted access to the features and resources necessary for them to perform their duties.

Aattribute-based access control (ABAC)

ABAC is a kind of access control in which a user’s eligibility for a resource is determined by its attributes. Qualities include things like the user’s identity, location, device kind, time of day, and other relevant information. By providing more intricate and dynamic access control policies, ABAC makes sure that users can only access resources in accordance with predetermined criteria.

Controls for authorization and authentication

Authentication rules ensure that users are properly authorized before allowing them to access any features or resources within a web application. Use strong passwords, session timeouts, and multifactor authentication to prevent unauthorized access.

Analyze access control audits

Finding weaknesses and vulnerabilities in access control systems might be aided by routine audits. Test all vulnerabilities related to access control, including those with IDOR, vertical and horizontal access control, and session management, during audits.

The best protocols for access control

Least privilege, role separation, and defense-in-depth strategies are among the best practices for access control. These methods use policy stacking, among other security measures, to prevent unauthorized access.

The most effective ways to train staff

Preventing unauthorized access to sensitive data or features is crucial. Workers must to receive training on how to handle security incidents, spot and report flaws in access control, and correctly apply access control guidelines.

By stopping unauthorized access and data breaches, as well as by maintaining data security, integrity, and availability, these protect secure online applications.

In conclusion

Finally, by preventing unauthorized users from accessing sensitive data and activities, access control ensures that only authorized users may access them.

Unauthorized access to information and features can have a number of negative effects, such as fraud, identity theft, and data deletion. As a result, companies should think about adopting steps to stop unwanted access. 


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